Ben Wyrosdick
Personal & Techical Blog
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi
I have watched Raspberry Pi projects and been fascinated with what you could do with a Pi since I listened to Ron Evans from the Hybrid Group talk about teaching kids ruby with a raspberry Pi at GoGaRuCo in 2011. And even with the ridiculously low price point of around...
Backing Up With Rsync
There is no shortage of backup tools available that take care of backing up your data and storing it securely online or in an offsite location. I use backblaze for my personal computers. Even with that I think it is important, and sometimes useful, to understand how that mechanism works...
Adding Swap to a Linux Sytem
I find myself needing to do this all the time and have to go search for a good artcile to remember all the commands. I often go back to this article to help me remember how to do it. For the sake of brevity I am just writing down the...
Reset Postgres PK Sequences in Rails
When doing multiple imports and deletions of development data I got into a state where I couldn’t insert into ActiveRecord because the id was already taken.